Monday, August 12, 2019

Course Project 5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Course Project 5 - Case Study Example Today’s turbulent economic conditions make it hard make structured decisions and long term planning; information is the most required asset for organizations who want to be able to respond instantaneously to changing factors and micro-blogging websites like twitter are quickly becoming the fastest sources of news there are- providing instant and relevant updates. Answer 2. Twitter is a global platform which is accessed by people all over the world. It is a free and very popular social media site and can be invaluable for global organizations who want to communicate on a frequent basis and in a personal way with their employees. With the ‘tweets’, the organization can share news and any relevant information; if the employees are subscribed to the channel, they will receive those tweets on their homepage without any need for a formal communication process. With things like retweeting and replying back, the employees living in any geographical location can directly talk to administration and because of the transparency of the platform can even receive comments or initiate a discussion with other employees. The connectivity provided lets employees talk about operations and strategies in an informal way. The use of humor which is rampant on Twitter changes the tone of the conversation, giving everyone the same amount of conversational authority and may help overcome barriers of cultural differences as you just have 140 characters to make your point. This leads to a more collaborative environment and better idea generation, effecting the overall operations. Answer 3. The instant connectivity allowed by twitter can be utilized by Project Managers very effectively to keep in touch with their employees. A dedicated project twitter profile can be updated with news, important information or used to communicate with employees on an instantaneous basis. It can also prove to be a good forum to share about any setbacks or milestones

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